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Special Student Offer

By June 9, 2016Self Storage

Student Storage

At Alexanders we provide storage for a large number of London students both during term time and throughout the holiday periods. We are currently offering students 10% OFF SUMMER HOLIDAY STORAGE.

Take advantage of our nearby location and competitive weekly rates:

250 CU ft container – £15.02 per week +VAT £13.50 per week + VAT

25 SQ ft Self Storage Locker – £17.54 per week + VAT £15.78 per week + VAT

35 SQ ft Self Storage Locker – £22.96 per week + VAT £20.66 per week + VAT


Book with us and you’ll receive 5 Boxes and a roll of Tape for FREE!

Terms & Conditions

1.     10% off storage charges only valid when You present a valid NUS/UCAS/International Student card.

2.     The Offer is valid from 8th June 2016 to 30th September 2016.

3.     The Offer is valid on storage charges only. The discount cannot be applied on any other product and services, including storage insurance charges.

4.     The discount will remain in place on all storage containers/units occupied during the Offer period until they are vacated. You understand If any additional storage containers /units are occupied after the offer period, normal storage charges will apply.

5.     For the avoidance of doubt, the Offer only includes the discount and there will be no cash or other alternatives.



Interested in student storage?

If you need student storage, call 0333 800 2323 and we’ll help you decide what kind of student storage you need. Alternatively, fill out our [quick_quote label=”Quick Quote” /] form or email
