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See you at the Planning and Delivering School Places Conference

We’re looking forward to the Planning and Delivering School Places conference on Monday, where we’ll have the chance to learn about how existing schools are expanding and new schools are being built to accommodate the predicted massive increase in pupils over the coming years.

In the past two years, we’ve moved ten London schools, including schools for children with special educational needs, so we understand that expanding existing premises or moving to a new location is a complex undertaking for any school.

Our Commercial Move Managers have hands-on experience of planning and implementing logistically complex school moves, including taking items into temporary storage or to decant schools before moving full time into new premises.

We have an exhibition stand at the conference and Alexanders Director, Sam Pope, will be there all day to answer any questions about our specialist school relocation services. We look forward to seeing you there.

If you need help moving a school or business, contact Alexanders on 0333 800 2323 to speak to one of the team.

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