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An Industry That Helps Its Own

By August 27, 2014House Removals

We were very thankful recently when another removal company stopped to help one of our drivers in a time of need.  It’s great to see that even within such a competitive industry such as ours that when in trouble we can rely on each other to help out.

It all occurred whilst on the way to a delivery in Romford.  One of our tyres suddenly burst about and although we had a spare it would have meant unloading the entire van to reach it.  It was at that point that Barry Tebbutt, the MD of Geo. Copsey & Co happened to be passing and stopped to help.  He called his depot and not only arranged for a spare wheel to be sent down to us but he even arranged for a mechanic to come along and fit it.  What a star!

We’re extremely grateful to Barry for his help and we hope to return the favour at some point in the future.  Our Ops Manager Marc Ryan said “It’s good to know that when the chips are down the industry helps its own”.
