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House Removals

4 tips on moving home in winter

By November 28, 2012April 3rd, 2019No Comments4 min read

Moving home is an anxious occurrence for most people. But moving home in the cold winter months can make the process even more stressful. Which is why the Alexanders Removals and Storage Team want to help our customers and take the stress out of moving home by giving them some tips to avoid the pitfalls of moving in winter.

From our experience, people tend to choose a moving day on the day that the contracts have been completed. The most popular day for moving is currently on a Friday, but if you have to state a completion date, mid-week days tend to offer more flexibility with time spaces for removals companies like us.

Other than the summer periods, January and February are also busy months for the Alexanders team and so we recommend booking in advance.

Notify the ‘important people’ that you are moving home

When we say the ‘important people’, we don’t just mean friends and family, but the people who you rely on for your day to day living. In particular, for winter months it’s important that energy and water providers are contacted quickly, so that you are not over charged and your suppliers can move your details over to your new property.

We recommend making a list of importance for you needs to be contacted with your new address.

  1. Gas and Electricity Suppliers
  2. Water Company
  3. Home Insurance Company
  4. Phone and Internet Services
  5. Local Council
  6. TV Licensing
  7. Employer and Children’s School
  8. DVLA
  9. Doctors & Dentists
  10. Bank and Financial Providers (loans, credit cards or store cards)

Home removals – Who’s doing it?

Whether you choose to move home on your own or opting to use Alexanders Removals depends entirely on your budget and ability to lift everything in your home. It is also important to consider dreaded winter, queue ice, wind, snow.

However, as previously mentioned on the Alexanders blog, research has found DIY home removals to cause severe stress on people choosing to move home. That is why we are here to help you pack, move and unpack. Simples.

Winter Weather Check

Recent weather events have seen severe flooding which can result in snow and ice in the winter months. Contact the UK flood line on 0845 988 1188 to check that your route is not in a flood area. In addition to this, be sure to add grit our ice into your drive way and steps – when carrying heavy boxes, the last thing you want to potential slips on icy path ways.

Moving Home Survival Box

When moving home, it is important to make what we call a ‘survival box’. This box will contain the essentials you need for the day of moving. These include cleaning products, light bulbs, tool kit, pen and notebook, cutlery, bread, milk, tea and coffee (you need a winter cuppa remember), snacks, phone charger, takeaway menus, bedding , towel and a change of clothes and toiletries.

For families with children we recommend making a mini survival bag for them that includes their favourite toy, nightlight, clothes and bedding so that they are able to settle in at bedtime.

One final thing, be sure to pack a bottle of champagne of glasses (for the adults), to celebrate your new home and successful move with Alexanders Removals.

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